
Nuts in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes

In this project, the PhD candidate investigate how nuts can improve the appetite, food intake, and blood glucose regulation of Australian adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Project supervisor(s)

Dr Sze-Yen Tan


Burwood campus

This PhD project consists of 3 human studies.

The first study will focus on understanding the effects of nuts, consumed in various forms, on blood glucose response, appetite, and food intake.

The second study will focus on timing nut intake to achieve optimal blood glucose levels.

The third study will be a focus group investigating the perception of adults with type 2 diabetes on the nut interventions (manipulating nut forms and timing of intake).

Candidates who have experience in conducting human studies are welcomed to enquire.

Interested students must be based in Australia, eligible for enrolment in a PhD program at Deakin University and eligible to apply for an Australian Postgraduate Award or equivalent. Please refer to the entry pathways to higher degrees by research for furtherĀ information. We will work with suitably qualified applicants to apply for scholarship funding.

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