Are you too old to be an Olympian? Spoiler alert: probably
If you're feeling inspired by the upcoming Olympics, Dr Lyndell Bruce may have some advice for you in terms of whether you're likely past your prime.
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If you're feeling inspired by the upcoming Olympics, Dr Lyndell Bruce may have some advice for you in terms of whether you're likely past your prime.
The number of women representatives on Victorian sporting boards has climbed significantly, new research has found.
Dr Dominique Condo is exploring why skinfold tests were once a staple of AFL fitness assessments, but are now banned for junior athletes.
Our researchers are working to boost participation and advance women and girls at all levels of sport and recreation.
A Deakin University study has unlocked the secret to executing the perfect handball just in time for the 2024 AFL season.
With the winter AFL and NRL seasons about to start, Australia’s sporting calendar is once again transitioning from its quietest to busiest period. For many, the return of the AFL and NRL competitions is highly anticipated. But there is one group whose experience is very different: the approximately 20% of Australians who hate sport.