
Results for: diet

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Image of man dressed as Santa Clause eating choc chip cookies with a glass of milk

Your tendency to overindulge these holidays could relate to your ‘eating personality’. Which type are you?

Holidays are a time when lots of us tend to overindulge in food and drink, and many people gain weight. Dr Georgie Russell and Emeritus Professor Alan Russell explain how understanding your 'eating personality' can help avoid overindulgence over the festive season.


Dairy aisle in a supermarket

Misleading food labels contribute to babies and toddlers eating too much sugar. 3 things parents can do

Research shows that Australian infants and toddlers are eating unhealthy amounts of sugar.


What is the ‘carnivore diet’ and is it a bad idea?

Dr Katherine Livingstone looks at how much meat is too much in a piece for The Conversation.


Is fake meat healthy? And what’s actually in it?

The popularity of plant-based proteins, or “fake meat”, has increased in recent years as consumers look to eat fewer animal products. In fact, plant-based protein is projected to be a A$3 billion opportunity for Australia by 2030. Many consumers believe these fake meats are better for their health, as well as better for the environment, but is that right?


Study finds children missing out on healthy diets at childcare

Children in many Victorian childcare centres are being fed meals that don’t meet healthy guidelines and staff who plan their menus don’t feel confident or supported enough to do better, a new study has found. 

Research news

Food and drinks are getting sweeter. Even if it’s not all sugar, it’s bad for our health

New IPAN research shows the amount of added sugars and non-nutritive sweeteners in packaged foods and drinks has grown a lot over the last decade, which is leading to a broad range of consequences, as our experts explain in The Conversation.


How to deal with hangry kids and reduce the chances of it happening again – 3 tips from nutrition experts

Like adults, children can get “hangry” – a combination of angry and hungry. IPAN childhood nutrition experts shared some insights on when hangriness attacks for The Conversation.


An egg a day can help maintain Vitamin D levels in winter, new research finds

Eating an egg a day can help keep Vitamin D deficiencies at bay during the winter months, new IPAN research has shown.

Research news

Do kids get enough time to eat their school lunch?

Most primary school students are being given just ten minutes to eat lunch, even though many parents and teachers agree this is not enough time for children to finish eating the food in their lunchbox.

Research news

Elderly sick woman sitting on a bed eating patient food provided by a hospital

Getting nutrition right for older adults in care

Dietitians involved in research can make a difference in many lives by working towards better nutrition outcomes at scale. Professor Judi Porter aims to improve nutrition and sustainability for older adults in hospitals and aged care settings.


Midlife diet could help you eat your way to a healthy brain

People who eat a healthy diet during middle age have a larger brain volume than those with less healthy diets new research reveals, suggesting food choices in midlife may reduce the risk of dementia and other degenerative brain disorders as we age.

Research news

My Baby Now App

A new app helping parents and caregivers cut through conflicting information.
