Any breastfeeding helps lower BMI to prevent obesity
IPAN research reinforces a well-known link between babies being breastfed and a lower BMI in adulthood.
Results for: INFANT
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IPAN research reinforces a well-known link between babies being breastfed and a lower BMI in adulthood.
Victoria's Health Minister, Mary-Anne Thomas MP, launches new resources encouraging healthy eating and active play from the start of life for culturally and linguistically diverse families in Melbourne’s west.
Research shows that Australian infants and toddlers are eating unhealthy amounts of sugar.
A new app helping parents and caregivers cut through conflicting information.
Feeding children too much protein when they are babies can increase their chance of being overweight when they reach primary school age, new studies have confirmed.
Breastfeeding might be the most natural thing in the world – but it is also a skill you need to learn. Find out all you need to know about feeding your baby in the first week of life.
The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is providing funding to IPAN to enhance implementation of INFANT across Victoria in 2021.
New research looking at the influence of breastfeeding on healthy growth patterns in childhood has shown the benefits of breastfeeding babies for as long as possible.