Eating your way to a healthy heart
Eating a healthy Mediterranean-style diet can help minimise the risk of heart attack, even for those genetically pre-disposed to heart disease, new research shows.
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Eating a healthy Mediterranean-style diet can help minimise the risk of heart attack, even for those genetically pre-disposed to heart disease, new research shows.
Using digital health technologies, Professor Maddison is helping patients with cardiovascular disease to access the care they need.
Researchers from IPAN have secured $1.4 million under the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund to conduct a world-first trial on the role of telehealth.
Back pain is the greatest cause of disability and lost productivity worldwide. Back pain generates significant financial costs for society in developed countries, such as the USA, Japan, Europe...
In Australia alone, it is estimated that 1.2 million people are affected by osteoporosis and an additional 6.3 million have weak bones (low bone density).
Deakin researchers are removing common barriers to exercise and providing 24/7 advice and motivation to help new mums be more active and support their mental health.
All the experts agree – we need to get children moving more, and sitting less. But what happens when a child’s social anxiety, their awkward social interactions or their physical disabilities leave them isolated or left behind in the playground?
Are those people who rise at the crack of dawn to run (while you’re pounding the snooze button) right about jogging all along? Can running really slow the effects of some diseases and ageing? And can a morning jog actually help you stay young?
If you blame your dad for passing onto you a love of takeaway food, you’re not alone. If you’re a dad, your eating habits may be influencing your children more than you think.